Customer Journey Conference

Ghelamco Arena Ottergemsesteenweg Zuid 808 bus 300, Gent

On Thursday November 22, Brewery Of Ideas invites you to the Ghelamco Arena in Ghent for the first Belgian conference about the holy grail of customer journey. The place to be for a full day of learning and networking. Every company and every organization struggles with the challenge of optimizing its customer interactions. Because each of them are ‘moments […]


Digital Marketing Conference

Lamot Mechelen Van Beethovenstraat 8-10, Mechelen

The World is in Beta Everything changes at an ever-increasing pace. Instead of a threat, forward-thinking marketers and business leaders see it as a great opportunity. Of course it requires effort and the right mindset to cut through the noise and find the best way forward. At this conference, we look ahead to what’s coming […]


Breakfast Meeting: Meaningful Marketing

Van der Valk Brussels Airport Culliganlaan 4, Machelen

74 procent van de merken mag zomaar verdwijnen zonder dat de consument dat erg zou vinden. Reclamespots worden massaal doorgespoeld en meer dan 20 procent van ons heeft een adblocker. Is het dan game over voor merken? Gelukkig niet. Op voorwaarde dat ze zich op een andere manier gaan gedragen en consumenten meerwaarde bieden. Geven […]


Interactive Workshop: Designing your customer journey

Ghelamco Arena Ottergemsesteenweg Zuid 808 bus 300, Gent

Customer Journey Conference Interactive Workshop // November 29, Ghelamco Arena One week after the Customer Journey Conference you're ready to take your first steps towards a superior customer experience through this workshop by Philip De Wulf. Because the workshop is interactive we have space for 24 marketeers/managers. WORKSHOP: Designing your customer journey. The first step […]


BAM Marketing Congress 2018

Brussels Expo

Open your mind with inspirational eye opening talks Meet with your peers and enlarge your networkN Learn best practices and business cases from experts Boost your skills for the year ahead Be the first to know the Belgium’s New Brand 2018 Discover the best marketing solutions on the market


Growth Marketing Conference 2018

Fairmont Hotel 950 Mason Street, San Francisco

Growth Marketing Conference is the leading, globally-focused event for B2B and ... rapid, cost-effective, and sustainable revenue and user growth THE CONFERENCE FEATURES 50+ Actionable Sessions Learn real-world strategies and tactics for supercharging your growth, straight from industry leaders who’ve moved the growth needle at big brands like Google, Microsoft, Facebook, IBM, Reddit, Linkedin, and Slack High-Powered […]


UBA Christmas Lunch 2018

Nekkerhal Mechelen Plattebeekstraat 1, Mechelen

De UBA Xmas Lunch, bekend als hét topevenement van de communicatiewereld in België, brengt professionals, adverteerders en andere spelers uit de mediawereld samen. Tijdens een feestelijke lunch ontmoet u collega's en kan er uitgebreid bijgepraat worden. Waarom u de UBA Xmas Lunch niet mag missen? Het evenement brengt 1.400 professionals, adverteerders en andere spelers uit […]


SafeShops Café

Flanders Bike Valley Tervantstraat 2B, Paal

Plan alvast dinsdag 22 januari in je agenda. Op deze dag zijn we te gast bij Flanders' Bike Valley, te Paal. Geen brouwerij deze keer, maar wel een andere nationale trots, de koers. Samen ontdekken we hier hoe wetenschap en wielrennen hand in hand gaan tijdens een bezoek aan de windtunnel van Flanders' Bike Valley. […]


Webwinkel Vakdagen 2019

Jaarbeurs Utrecht Jaarbeursplein 6, Utrecht

DE WEBWINKEL VAKDAGEN Voor de 13e keer vindt het grootste e-commerce-event van de Benelux plaats: de Webwinkel Vakdagen 2019. Na 12 succesvolle edities met afgelopen jaar een recordaantal bezoekers van 12.542, volgt in 2019 een nieuwe editie boordevol inspirerende sprekers, relevante thema's en vele exposanten. Programma Centraal tijdens de Webwinkel Vakdagen staat e-commerce. Door de voortdurende groei van […]


YoastCon 2019

Concet Hall De Vereeniging Keizer Karelplein 2D, Nijmegen

On 7 and 8 February 2019, join us for the third edition of YoastCon. YoastCon is an interactive conference focused on search engine optimization and is held in Nijmegen, the Netherlands. YoastCon is an SEO conference that goes deeper and wider than most other SEO conferences. Over the course of 2 days, multiple experts from […]


Revenue Boulevard

Lamot Mechelen Van Beethovenstraat 8-10, Mechelen

Over the last 10 years, the silos between marketing and sales departments are disappearing. Revenue Boulevard will talk about the convergence of marketing and sales. It will highlight the necessary skills complemented with in-depth sessions and workshops. Future strategies and tactics will be revealed to companies and professionals that want to take that leap ahead and attract […]


AI 4 Business Summit 2019

The Wild Gallery Gerijstraat 11, Vorst

AI 4 Business Summit Business. Technology. Intelligence. Technology and more particularly AI is raising the bar for efficiency and personalizing the way of doing business. On all levels within your company or organization. What does Artificial Intelligence mean for your business, your employees and your prospects or clients? Discover the use cases of this technology […]
