B2B Marketing Forum

Inn Style Herenweg 55, Maarssen

Game changers in B2B. Looking back at the last 10 years of B2B marketing we see how the game has changed and keeps on changing. It’s visible in the way we work, in the technology available and in the co-operation between sales and marketing. Inspiration This B2B platform enables marketing, communication and sales managers to […]


UBA Trends Day 2019

Auditorium 2000 Belgiëplein 1, Brussel

De UBA Trends Day is de laatste jaren uitgegroeid tot dé referentie binnen de communicatie- en mediawereld en biedt aan meer dan 1.400 professionals een dag vol inspiratie. Wilt u ook bij zijn met de laatste trends op vlak van communicatie, consumer insights, merken en media? Dan mag u de UBA Trends Day niet missen. […]


The Social Conference

Pakhuis De Zwijger Piet Heinkade 179, Amsterdam

TSC gaat over het toepassen van social in business, commerce en marketing. Belangrijke thema's zijn de invloed van AI en bots, de verbreding van social data en het menselijke aspect in social. Humans vs. Bots Waar blijft het menselijke aspect in social, als bots alles overnemen? 1 topdag Iedereen met verantwoordelijkheid voor social media strategie […]


Hack Belgium 2019

Tour&Taxis Havenlaan 86c, Brussel

Find Purpose One of our 12 Societal Themes is sure to touch you personally. Choose it and make it your life’s work. EXPEND YOUR SKILLS +150 workshops to learn the critical 21st century skills: design thinking, entrepreneurship, creativity and collaboration. GO FAST 200 experts to help you go from a vague idea to a concrete, […]


Strategic Marketing Day

Mediahuis Antwerpen Katwilgweg 2, Antwerpen

Topics of this edition: Tools, Tactics & Transformation! Tools Tools are no longer a privilege in digital marketing. Even traditional marketing can’t exist without tools and techniques. Welcome VR, AR, AI, marketing automation, lead hacking,… How will these tools make it easier for you? And how effective is their outcome? Tactics As a marketer you […]


Trends & Brands

Campus Geel Thomas More Kleinhoefstraat 4, Geel

Op 28 maart organiseren de studenten van het 2de jaar marketing van Thomas More Hogeschool het marketingevent Trends & Brands. Hierbij worden verschillende sprekers uitgenodigd om een woord uitleg te geven over de opkomende trends in de marketing. Onderwerpen zoals brandmanagement, experience marketing, pop-ups, … zullen doorheen deze namiddag aan bod komen. Volgende sprekers hebben […]


SafeShops Awards 2019

Den Berg Bergkapelstraat 98, Londerzeel

The SafeShops Awards are back To refresh your memory: the SafeShops Awards distinguish themselves from all other recognition in the field participation is free of charge the judges are your own customers the evaluation is done through a thorough, objective quantitative market study this valuable study will be available for all participants for free We […]


Revenue Expo 2019

Jaarbeurs Utrecht Jaarbeursplein 6, Utrecht

REVENUE EXPO De toenemende digitalisering heeft verregaande consequenties voor iedere organisatie. Met enorme snelheid dienen nieuwe technologieën én concurrenten zich aan en dagen de status quo uit. Bestaande business modellen moeten op de schop omdat omzet en marges onder druk staan. Hoe kunnen bedrijven niet alleen overleven maar groeien en transformeren? Het veelgehoorde antwoord: De […]


The Next Web 2019

NDSM NDSM-Plein, Amsterdam

CELEBRATING INNOVATION Technology is rapidly advancing before our eyes, raising questions about the next ten years. At TNW Conference, we come together to predict, discuss, and invent the future. Our two-day festival showcases industry-leading speakers, panel discussions, and workshops. Topics range from artificial intelligence to blockchain, and everything in between. At its core, TNW Conference […]


Growth Hacking Workshop

MAD Kings Academy Witte Pattersstraat 4, Etterbeek

WHO IS IT FOR? MarketersGrowth Marketing is data-driven, technical marketing. By learning those skills, you’ll be able to impact the entire customer journey and strengthen your position within your organisation. Product ownersA product experience is the product itself, along with all customer touchpoints over their entire lifetime. Learn how to optimise both to drive product […]


The Rentree

The Villa Dilbeek Noord, Dilbeek

The objective of the BAM Belgian Digital Champions is to present to the marketing and media players the latest digital technologies developed in Belgium. This year, we gathered a panel of some 18 companies active in Artificial Intelligence, Chatbot, Data Management, Machine Learning, Predictive Analysis, Advertising platforms, Dynamic Drive to store solutions, Dashboarding, Management tools, […]


Content Marketing World 2019

Huntington Convention Center 300 Lakeside Avenue, Cleveland

CMWorld 2019 Content Marketing World is the one event where you can learn and network with the best and the brightest in the content marketing industry. You will leave with all the materials you need to take a content marketing strategy back to your team – and – to implement a content marketing plan that […]
