Together with 1000 participants, we’re going to tackle the societal challenges we feel aren’t being taken seriously enough. Twelve challenges, touching every facet of our lives and society. The 3-day program will take us from inspiration to building to launching our own projects. Projects that bring us new opportunities, new business and new perspectives.
You’ll receive the best support Belgium has to offer: 140 workshops and consultation sessions on design, business and technology. More than 200 experts to help you with every question. 10 emerging technologies present on site. It’s the best place for you to forge new partnerships and to get that new spine-tingling project going.
DAY 1:
Explore the possibilities around the 12 societal challenges and the emerging technologies
Exchange ideas with 1000 people from completely different walks of life
Activities: interactive, hands-on workshops & networking activities
End of day 1: you have a project idea and a team
DAY 2:
Build your idea by planning how it will work in the real world
Use design and business tools, such as business modelling, user testing and prototyping
Activities: support workshops & individual coaching by experts
End of day 2: you have the blueprint of your project
DAY 3:
Prepare to launch your project by planning your Life After Hack Belgium
Present your idea and get feedback from the experts
Activities: Life After Hack Belgium workshops, pitch coaching & pitching
End of Day 3: you and your team are the owners of a new project