Bringing together 11,000+ eCommerce professionals with over 300 leading solution providers
eCommerce Expo is the ultimate destination for every company that operates in the UK and sells online.
The event is free to attend for eCommerce professionals and their teams looking upskill themselves and their teams in all aspects of eCommerce, from customer acquisition & retention to payments, operations, logistics and cross-border online trade.
- FREE TO ATTEND: eCommerce Expo is the UK’s leading eCommerce event
- 12 CONFERENCE THEATRES: hundreds of hours of eCommerce conferences to stay informed on the latest trends and shifting behaviours that continue to drive the world of eCommerce
- OVER 300 LEADING SOLUTION PROVIDERS: to help you achieve your 2023 goals
- NETWORKING: unique networking opportunities offer you the chance to make valuable contacts, share best practices and discuss the future of the eCommerce industry